Welcome to "CODE 4 NATURE" – an innovative coding challenge dedicated to leveraging technology and creativity to address pressing environmental challenges. In an era marked by ecological crises, it's imperative that we harness the power of coding and digital innovation to foster sustainability and protect our planet's biodiversity.
CODE for NATURE aims to bring together developers, designers, data analysts, environmental enthusiasts, and problem-solvers from diverse backgrounds to collaborate on solutions that promote conservation, sustainability, and environmental awareness. Whether you're a professional coder or a newcomer with a passion for nature, this coding challenge provides a unique platform to make a meaningful impact.
Participants are encouraged to focus on one or more from a wide range of themes related to environmental preservation and sustainability, including but not limited to:
The submission must be original work such as
Exciting prizes will be awarded to winning teams –
Entries submitted for the challenge including code, datasets, multimedia content etc. need to be licensed under a CC-BY-NC or CC-BY license. Selected outputs/tools may be used, modified or improved upon by the Foundation for Ecological Security at its discretion subject to licensing conditions. FES will not monetise the product in anyway, but would provide the product/tools for public use hosted on the India Observatory Platform. Participants must clearly document the source and licensing terms and conditions of any external data or code that they utilise in creating the project. Participants must ensure that submissions are not copies of already existing products but are original works.
For enquiries, please contact code4nature@fes.org.in